The girls boarding school disciplinary spankings for 18+ girls and their milf mums …the tale continued
There was also a handful of former alumnae who could testify to her devastating accuracy with the cane, an implement that had been used on extremely rare occasions – the effect of which had been to instil a sense of genuine respect amongst pupils at the school, both for discipline and for academic standards. In point of fact, the cane had never, at any time, been used as a punishment for failure to achieve academically, since Miss Xinran had felt that this was a barbaric misuse of an effective form of disciplinary control.

Such restraint had not, however, extended to the use of The Dragon – as it had been labelled in school lore – where girls had been foolish enough to lapse into unjustifiable violence, abuse or flagrant breaches of standards of public behaviour. She had always been meticulous in her investigation of misdeeds warranting corporal punishment, but once she had reached her conclusion, execution of sentence had always been a swift, painful and memorable experience that had left its imprint in several ways upon the girls who had left her Study, in tears, to inspect the outcome of their encounter with her.
The appointment, two years later, of Mr. Magick to the post of Headmaster, at Miss Xinran’s retirement, had sent ripples through the educational establishment and had raised concerns amongst certain parents, yet such was the trust in Miss Xinran’s judgment that no one was ready to deny him the chance to prove that the decision had been wise. He had not failed. In fact, he had excelled and both academic and disciplinary standards had not only been maintained, but improved. Interestingly, this had been achieved, ultimately, without the threat of corporal punishment, which he had abolished three years into his appointment, after a long discussion with Mrs. Helen Marlow, the young Physical Education teacher whom he had appointed to the post of Deputy Headmistress. He had not, in fact, used or ordered corporal punishment to deal with any pupil. His look alone seemed sufficiently effective to convey the legendary message of his predecessor and recourse to the penultimate sanction had never been needed.
The departure of Mr. Magick was also of significance to the school, since he had overseen the running of the school estate in a manner that had encouraged pupils to take an interest in such often-overlooked matters. With his impeccable manners and great depth of knowledge of both horticulture and wildlife, he had introduced many a young mind to areas of interest that might otherwise have escaped them, earning high regard from teachers, pupils and parents alike.
Gina had particular reason to remember Mr. Magick since, when he had arrived as a fairly young and not-long-married young man, he had been at the centre of a controversy that had resulted in the one case of what ultimately transpired to be a miscarriage of justice during Miss Xinran’s headship. However, the story was not as simple as it might at first have seemed.